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About Other Theresa
'Other' Theresa (O.T.) was born in 2001 at the Poetry Cafe in Covent Garden. This moniker (sorry Monica) was devised in response to cliched jokes ('Mother Teresa'; 'Teresa Green"), a distaste for labels - and the desire to confuse market researchers (Other - please state...).
The earliest examples of Theresa's comic poetry were confiscated by a head teacher. Realising that her words could make people laugh, she quickly grasped their power and embraced the role of class clown. She also used poetry as therapy; finding it easier to articulate in writing the feelings she was unable to share with family and friends.
Whether dabbling in double entendre, nailing a tricky description or capturing a mood, O.T. has always been game for wordplay. Poetry Cafe compere Niall O'Sullivan dubbed OT 'Sharper than Lorena Bobbit's best steak knife' - but the keyboard is mightier than the sword! (
Some of her parts have been slipping through the hole in The Net. O.T's word wide website is a sample of her rather large portfolio and there are links to YouTube and SoundCloud, where you can see and hear more.
She draws from a range of life and work experience. Having spent three years of in the 'Darvel' Bruderhof Community ( after her parents divorced, she moved to Hastings with her mum and younger brother Tim in 1978 where she lived until she was 22. She has battled mental health and eating disorders - and in her early twenties, spent six weeks in a psychiatric hospital. After Tim died in 2018, just three months after being diagnosed with bile duct cancer, she left her full-time teaching role, resolving to do Other things. She knows he'll be rooting for her, wherever he is!
In a parallel life, she has worked as a care assistant, a resettlement worker, a tabloid news reporter (a year at The Daily Sport - was enough) and has spent over 20 years as a London (secondary & primary) school teacher. She's also a qualified personal trainer, sports massage therapist and yoga instructor - and once reached the 'screen test' stage for Gladiators (although she is still wondering why she didn't get to be on the telly).
Most recently, OT has been working on the script and lyrics for 'Beyond the Bricks' - a musical play to be staged in May 2024 by CADOS. OT was commissioned by CADOS to research the 100 year history of Mornington Hall, Chingford and the script includes historical facts and fictional scenarios based on the imaginations of its characters. 'Beyond the Bricks' pays homage to the hall's heritage and to the people and events who have shaped - and continue to shape its legacy. The project has been an opportunity to raise the profile of this venue - but also to raise awareness of the value of accessible community venues as a whole. At a time where tower blocks seem to appear at a rate of knots, the need for youth centres and community hugs is desperate. Sadly, it seems that these venues are often first in the 'firing line'. Hopefully, this musical play makes the message clear in an entertaining way!
Other Theresa hosted the 'main' music stage for The Mile Long Street Party as part of Walthamstow's Platinum Jubilee celebrations on Sunday 5 June, programming over 15 bands and music acts across three stages. She also co-hosts Walthamstow's annual May Day Dog Show (categories included 'Most like owner'. 'Waggiest Tail' and 'Dogs with Jobs' (canine fancy dress). She now lives in Walthamstow, where she runs coding after-school clubs at five East London primary schools and leads intragenerational singing sessions in residential homes with The Together Project.
She has staged shows at Edinburgh Festival Fringe, released a live album (now on SoundCloud), written pantomimes and disgraced stages across the world. In February 2022 her pantomime 'RAPunzel!' was performed to sell-out audiences - and there are more to come.
Following the birth of her daughter eleven years ago, she literally became 'Mother Theresa' - but O.T. is now getting back onto the spoken word/poetry scene - and she's dipping her toes into stand-up comedy. She believes that people should always be able to feed their souls - and to have their cake (and eat it!).
Other Theresa will be delighted to host your event and/or perform a themed selection of her work.
She's ready to write BESPOKEN WORDS for you, your special event, or your loved ones. Please get in touch via the BOOKING ENQUIRIES link.
Thank you for your support and enjoy your virtual wander! All feedback is welcome - if you are moved/provoked to respond, please email her: :-) and she'll get back to you as quickly as she can.
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